Mastermind ClubQuiz 2023Number 11Subject - Space Set by Mel Kinsey Answers 1/ What type of galaxy is most common in the universe? Elliptical galaxies 2/ What is the coldest place in the universe? The Boomerang Nebula (which is 1 degree Kelvin which is -458 degrees F. It is located in the Centaurus constellation. 3/ The hottest place in the universe is located in which constellation? Virgo 4/ How old is the universe in light years? 13.8 billion light years. 5/ What percentage of the universe is dark matter? 27% 6/ How many planets are in our solar system? Eight 7/ What is the largest planet in our solar system? Jupiter 8/ What is the smallest planet in our solar system? Mercury 9/ What is the most common type of star found in the Milky Way? Red dwarf stars 10/ What is the largest type of star in the universe? Red supergiant stars 11/ What is the closest star to the Sun? Proxima Centauri 12/ What has a gravitational pull so strong that even light cannot escape it? A Black hole 13/ Which NASA space flight was the last manned mission to the moon? Apollo 17 14/ What is the longest continuous time a human has spent in space? 437 days – Russian cosmonaut Valeri Polakov from January 1994 to March 1995 aboard Mir 15/ What is the farthest distance from Earth a manned mission has travelled? 248,655 Miles by Apollo 13 16/ How long was the sub orbital space flight of Alan Shepherd, the first U.S. astronaut? 15 minutes 17/ Howmany moons are in our Solar System? 181 18/ How many moons does Jupiter have? 67 19/ What is the diamiter of the Earth’s moon? 2159 miles 20/ What is the largest crater on Earth’s moon? The South Pole- Aitkin basin 21/ What are the dimensions in inches of Neil Armstrongs first footprint on the moon? 13 inches by 6 inches